Takeaways from ONE CLICK — Jeff Bezos and the rise of amazon.com [Book Review]

Davide Scialpi — Economist
4 min readAug 31, 2017


Finding moments to read books that tell stories during the day in this fastly moving and overstressed society is something very hard. We are all committed to working by running like gazelles from am to pm. It’s what we call the busyness of business.

Time is important to scale in business! says the old adage. And even when we have the time availability it happens that we usually prefer to spend it to switch off our minds and deeply breath.

Reading requires quiet and concentration.

Nevertheless, our attention deficit is increasingly growing due to the analogic and digital distractions coming from social media notifications, ringing cell phones, screaming girl friends and sms, e-mail and instant messaging alert systems in real-time. We are living in an information overload era.

In all frankness, I tried lots of times to read books in the tube or on the way home from office. I never made it. It’s stronger than me: I get attracted and kidnapped by the metropolitan motions and tumultuous and futuristic stimulus. But I never gave up at all.

In fact, recently, I thought and deliberately decided to make reading part of my daily routine by scheduling a 30 minutes time about it during my lunch break. Said another way, I took a sort of daily “sabbatical”, a planned “refuge” from the job-related-pressure, in order to exercise my brain synapses in a new way.

I decided to dedicate 30 minutes of my lunch break to learn, acquire and use to my advantage the stories of successful contemporary entrepreneurs.

I started with Jeff Bezos and the book written by Richard L. Brandt “One Click — Jeff Bezos and the rise of Amazon.com”: a journey into the entrepreneurial story of the founder, father and manager of one the most powerful and incredible Internet giants.

Why Jeff Bezos? He’s simply an Internet Leader and a Blue Ocean guy. He has simply created by him self an uncontested market space. One of my idols, don’t tell anyone.

I highly recommend to buy this book. Here are a pair of random thoughts and take-aways extracted by the said book. I am 100% convinced they can really help all those who want to start and develop their own business.

For all those who are on the point of starting their own business: Reasons to start!

“..He wanted to simply create a hit company by leveraging his business and technology skills. It didn’t matter what the business, as long as it had potential. He realized Internet would become an enormous gathering place, and where people gathered, there was an opportunity to sell them something, if one understood the unique characteristics of the new environment and figure out other markets as well.[…] But he also realized that the best approach was to start by facing on one market, to figure out the needs of that market and match them to the needs and capabilities of the Internet. Once he was established in one market, he would be able to figure out what product to sell…

From ONE CLICK — Jeff Bezos and the rise of amazon.com — Richard L. Brandt

For all those who are on the point of understanding how to correctly develop a Business in the start-up period: How to correctly set a Business?

“..In the spring of 1994, just about the time Bezos was looking for an idea that he could turn into a good Web-Based business. Herb and Shel….felt that they knew what their previous start-ups had lacked: “We were primarily technical people and we knew enough to know we needed to link up with a good business person. […]. We knew that whatever we did we would need help with fund-raising, marketing and management, at least. […] Herb and Shel started tapping in their own networks to find that business person.

From ONE CLICK — Jeff Bezos and the rise of amazon.com — Richard L. Brandt

For all those who are on the point of understanding how to correctly develop a Business in the start-up period: How to correctly develop a Business?

The process begins by tapping your business connections. It’s often a matter of moving from one person to another, and from that person to yet another.[…]Bezos didn’t have Linkedin, but he had made a lot of business connections.”

From ONE CLICK — Jeff Bezos and the rise of amazon.com — Richard L. Brandt

For all those who are on the point of developing their brand naming process and the related start-up launch today: How to name a Brand with on-line in mind?

“..Bezos also had to decide what to call the company. He would need a name if he was going to incorporate a business. On his drive west, he called a Seattle attorney whom Hanuaeur had recomended, Todd Tarbert, to incorporate the company, and told him the name was to be “Cadabra, Inc.” a play on the magician’s chant of abracadabra…” […]

“But Cadabra was incorporated in July 1994, just as Jeff and McKenzie arrived in Seattle. Seven months later Jeff chose Amazon for a new name because it began with an A, would come up high in any alphabetical listinings, and because, as the world’s largest river, it reflected his ambitions for his company. Plus, it was easy to spell.” […]

From ONE CLICK — Jeff Bezos and the rise of amazon.com — Richard L. Brandt

For all those who are on the point of starting their own businees: Find your Passion!

“..Most of successfull entrepreneurs start a company because they are passionate about the business they want to enter!..”

From ONE CLICK — Jeff Bezos and the rise of amazon.com — Richard L. Brandt

See the original post here:




Davide Scialpi — Economist

Economist: Senior Management Director & Consultant specialised in strategy design-execution for brands-organizations https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidescialpi/